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875 Perimeter Drive MS 3010
University of Idaho
Moscow, ID 83844-3010

Phone: 208-885-5663




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Morrill Hall Room 414
Moscow, ID  83844

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Moscow, ID  83844-3010

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Morrill Hall Room 209
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Morrill Hall 105
Moscow, ID 83844-3003

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875 Perimeter Drive
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Moscow, ID 83844-3003

Exploring Geothermal Possibilities

UI, 爱达荷国家实验室研究人员的目标是在斯内克河平原建立国家地热研究设施

In a color-coded map of Idaho’s geothermal activity, 一股明亮的橙色热浪席卷了该州的东南部.

This is Idaho’s share of the Yellowstone Hot Spot, 热岩石和岩浆在斯内克河平原地表下流动的地方, 这使它成为该国最好的地热能生产地点之一.

但是现在,爱达荷州只有一家地热发电厂,这是美国石油公司旗下的一家Raft River公司.S. Geothermal.

The University of Idaho and the Idaho National Laboratory (INL)——以及西方的合作伙伴——正在寻求大规模改变这种状况.

“我们看到了在爱达荷州东部建造一些这样的工厂以创造一个产业的机会, 为我们的学生创造经济基础和就业机会,” said Tom Wood, UI’s associate director for the Center for Advanced Energy Studies, or CAES.

CAES is an Idaho Falls-based collaboration among INL, 爱达荷州的公立大学和怀俄明大学以培养下一代能源科学家为使命, exploring energy and environmental research, 将这些研究应用于工业,使能源市场实现转型,从而促进经济发展.

CAES is a partner in the Snake River Geothermal Consortium, one of five teams selected by the U.S. 于2015年4月参与能源部一期项目 Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy initiative — called FORGE for short.

CAES团队认为爱达荷州东南部是FORGE站点的完美位置. 黄石热点地区包括INL的大部分校园, 那里有40平方英里的地热研究和开发基地.

地热联盟将在今年夏天晚些时候得知它是否进入了竞争的第二阶段, 能源部将在2019年选择最终地点.

“If we can prove this technology, it could be a game changer not just for renewable energy, but energy overall for the country,” says Rob Podgorney ‘07, 他是INL的资深科学家,也是Snake River地热联盟的负责人. (Watch Podgorney's April 2016 TEDx Idaho Falls talk on the FORGE project.)

The Geothermal Economy of the Future

The FORGE initiative focuses on enhanced geothermal systems, 与传统的地热发电厂相比,哪一种可以达到更深的热源,而且不需要那么多的水.

Because geothermal energy isn’t currently a big moneymaker, Wood explains, projects like FORGE are necessary to establish technologies, reduce industry and government investors’ risk, and open the door to a more widespread geothermal market.

研究人员正在研究制造裂缝的方法,他们可以在裂缝中注入冷水并收集热水, 以及设计能够承受高温的设备. The INL site has a prolific aquifer to supply water, 但是地热井的目标区域足够深,不会破坏含水层.

“我们正在努力从石油和天然气行业的成功经验中学习, and learn from their mistakes,” Podgorney says.

Whether or not Idaho receives the FORGE site, CAES和斯内克河地热联盟将继续追求地热能源技术,并为爱达荷州带来经济效益. The combined research power of INL, 这些大学及其合作伙伴为爱达荷州提供了地热复兴的机会, says Travis McLing, 他是INL的资深科学家,目前正在伊利诺伊大学攻读地质学博士学位.

“We can’t do this by ourselves,” he says. “In aggregate, we have all the capabilities we need.”

The Geothermal Researchers of the Future

FORGE计划和CAES的其他地热研究也使bet365亚洲官网的研究人员和学生受益, who in turn benefit the industry.

If Idaho is selected as the final FORGE site, “there would be a lot of technology developed, a lot of patentable ideas, 为学生和教师提供参与尖端地下科学的机会,” Wood said.

伊利诺伊大学的研究人员已经参与了对斯内克河平原热流和水流的建模, FORGE将为从钻井到电网工程到引入新能源市场的社会方面的广泛研究打开大门.

伊利诺伊大学CAES的学生正在从事一些项目,比如用化学方法来了解隐藏在冷水含水层下的水的地热指纹, 并使用先进的方法重新审视一个已知地热资源的地区的地热潜力,而这些地热资源以前是研究人员所回避的.

让学生参与地热研究项目对该行业的未来非常重要. 爱达荷州上一波密集的地热研究是在上世纪七八十年代. CAES的研究人员最近会见了这个时代的退休工程师,从他们的研究和见解中学习,但下一代需要参与这个革命性的行业.

“Geothermal power is a true green energy, it is carbon free and it is available 24/7, 365,” Wood said. “Besides being massively fun, 在地热能方面的教育为工业界和政府部门带来了许多机会.”

  • Article by Tara Roberts联合大学研究与经济发展办公室和大学传播与营销

这个故事也出现在2016年春季的《365bet中文》杂志上. To read other stories, visit the Here We Have Idaho website.

FORGE项目-bet365亚洲官网研究生研究员Cody Cannon在爱达荷州筏子河谷的温室井
Map of Geological hotspots in the West.
FORGE team members Rob Podgorney, INL (left), Tom Wood, UI (center), and Travis McLing, INL(右)参观位于INL站点的INL地热资源研究区.
Map showing members of FORGE
这张地图显示了Snake River地热联盟FORGE团队的成员.

Download the full 2016 Research Report in PDF format.

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UI, 爱达荷国家实验室研究人员的目标是在斯内克河平原建立国家地热研究设施.

Download the full 2015 Research Report in PDF format.

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Physical Address:
Morrill Hall 105

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3010
University of Idaho
Moscow, ID 83844-3010

Phone: 208-885-5663




Physical Address:

Morrill Hall Room 414
Moscow, ID  83844

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr., MS 3010
Moscow, ID  83844-3010

Phone: 208-885-2258


Web: ORA Website


Physical Address:

Morrill Hall Room 209
Moscow, ID  83843

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr., MS 3020
Moscow, ID  83844-3020

Phone: 208-885-6651

Fax: 208-885-4990


Web: OSP Website


Physical Address:
Morrill Hall 105
Moscow, ID 83844-3003

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 3003
Moscow, ID 83844-3003