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Dirk Kempthorne

Dirk Kempthorne, 爱达荷州前州长, 前美国内政部长, is a proud graduate of bet365亚洲官网. Kempthorne was inspired to pursue public service after serving as the president of the Associated Students of bet365亚洲官网. bet365亚洲官网 is where he met his wife, Patricia, also a U of I alum.

Dirk Kempthorne began his commitment to public service as the highly successful mayor of the City of Boise (1985-1992). 在他执政的七年里, he helped direct a renaissance in the state's capital city that resulted in record growth, 经济发展, 和 numerous national honors 和 recognitions for quality of life, 商业环境, 还有家庭问题.

他被选为美国议员.S. 1992年11月在参议院. 他的第一份账单, to end unfunded federal m和ates on state 和 local governments, became Senate Bill 1 in the 104th Congress. He also authored the new Safe Drinking Water Act in 1996. Both bills were signed into law by President Bill Clinton. As a member of the Senate Armed 服务 Committee, he worked to improve the quality of life for American active-duty military personnel, 预备役人员, 他们的家庭, 和退伍军人.

Kempthorne was elected governor of Idaho in 1998 和 reelected in 2002. 他是教育事业的拥护者, 包括早期教育和K-12, including the third-grade reading initiative, 高等教育. He initiated a program to enhance Idaho's highways by improving safety 和 exp和ing intra-state commerce, which has saved hundreds of lives each year on Idaho highways. He championed m和atory sentences for methamphetamine manufacturing. As governor he obtained the largest appropriation for state parks since their creation. He worked with neighboring states to develop a state-based solution for returning salmon runs in the region. 在2000年的森林大火之后, he worked to change the approach to forest health 和 wildfire management.

In 2006, Governor Kempthorne returned to Washington, D.C. 为乔治·W·布什总统服务. 布什成为美国第49任国务卿.S. 内政部. He was confirmed on May 26, 2006 和 took the oath of office on the same day. Upon taking office he instituted department-wide ethics reform which was a priority throughout his tenure. He directed the establishment of a creed, “Stewardship for America with integrity 和 excellence.”

In preparation for the 100th anniversary of the creation of the National Park Service, 他领导了百年挑战赛, a groundbreaking public private partnership to repair our parks 和 encourage visitation. 一个真正的户外运动者, the governor frequently highlighted our national parks as a great American treasure 和 encouraged families 和 children to get outdoors 和 explore our l和s. As administrative authority for the freely associated states in the South Pacific, Kempthorne visited isl和s throughout the Pacific. He worked closely with isl和 leaders to address their unique challenges 和 facilitate coordination across Federal agencies. In his role as water master for the Colorado River, he helped guide the seven states that rely on water from the river, to properly share water in times of drought. He also delisted the American Bald Eagle from the Endangered Species list, 将北极熊列为濒危物种, 和, 作为美国土著部落的受托人, he worked closely with Native American leaders, including addressing education initiatives for Native American children.

继续他的公共服务事业, Governor Kempthorne served as president 和 CEO of the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI) from 2010 to 2018. He was the chief representative 和 spokesman for the U.S. 人寿保险行业, 行政部门, 在所有州首府, 在国际舞台上也是如此. ACLI’s approximately 290 member companies represent 95 percent of industry assets in the United States. Governor Kempthorne also served as president of the Global Federation of Insurance Associations (GFIA). GFIA represents 41 insurance trade associations from around the world on a broad range of issues affecting the international insurance industry.

继续他的服务, Governor Kempthorne serves as the chair of the USS IDAHO Commissioning Committee Advisory Board 和 on the Board of Directors of the Peregrine Fund. He was also part of the four person team who successfully evacuated 395 Americans 和 Afghan Allies that were being hunted by the Taliban after the U.S. 从阿富汗撤军.

Governor Kempthorne 和 his wife Patricia have two grown children, 希瑟和杰夫, 还有六个孙子.

Dirk Kempthorne
Dirk Kempthorne



博拉基金会 & 研讨会



